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Untreated macular degeneration is one of the leading causes of blindness in those over 65 years old.
While researchers have not yet discovered a cure for age-related macular degeneration (AMD), there are treatment options which prevent the disease from progressing to blindness, and in some cases, they can even improve vision. It’s important to have an open discussion with your eye doctor in Oxnard, CA about the risks and limitations of AMD treatments.
Types of Macular Degeneration:
There are 2 basic types of AMD, the wet form and the dry form.
- Dry macular degeneration is considered the less aggressive form of AMD and affects nearly 80% of patients with AMD. It typically progresses much more slowly, and the level of eyesight damage is less severe. Dry AMD is detected during routine eye exams, which is why it’s important to have yearly testing. Treating Dry AMD often involves high doses of zinc and antioxidants which have been shown to slow diseases progression.
- Wet macular degeneration is the more severe form of AMD. It occurs when there is abnormal blood vessel growth (angiogenesis), and leakage, which can cause scar tissue to develop. Treatments include laser surgery, injecting light-sensitive dyes, or AMD medication injected directly into the eye to inhibit angiogenesis.
Are you at Risk for Macular Degeneration?
They call this eye disease age-related macular degeneration as the risk factor magnifies as one reaches their 60s, yet many lifestyle choices may increase the likelihood of macular degeneration progression. While many Californians enjoy eating healthy & exercise, some factors are harder to control
Other than age, risk factors include:
- Family History & Genetics: Any family history will mean you have a higher risk, especially since research has linked 20 genes to AMD showing that genetics play a role. For Caucasians, the light irises lead to an increased risk of AMD starting at the age of 50.
- Smoking & Bad Habits: Smoking can nearly double the risk of age-related macular degeneration. Obesity or being overweight makes for a higher risk factor as well. Staying in shape and avoiding bad habits is essential in preventing AMD. You should also avoid a diet that includes a lot of saturated fats.
- Health: Having heart disease, high blood pressure and high cholesterol increase your risks.
Learn More about AMD & Eye Care in Oxnard, CA
AMD is an age-related eye disease that runs in families and is a leading cause of blindness in our aging population. There is no cure for this ocular disease, and AMD related vision loss is cannot usually be recovered. There are treatments, and preventative measures that can be taken, if detected early, so routine eye exams are essential.
Read more about macular degeneration symptoms and treatment.
Staying fit on a balanced diet doesn’t just help your overall health and feel better, but when you analyze your family’s health history, sticking to a diet that includes fruits and vegetables while avoiding sugars might be too simple of an approach.
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